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Carolina Chickadees love backyard bird feeders! They love sunflower seed and suet offered in backyards.
Chickadees have a black cap and chin with whites cheeks.
They have a small black bill.
They have gray backs and wings with white underneath and buffy colored sides or flanks.
Insects, seeds, fruits. Forages in trees.
Prefers trees and inhabits mixed woodlands.
Preferred Nest:
Nest in cavities.Â
Backyard Birdhouse:
Yes, Link for Carolina Chickadee Nest Box
More Facts:
Sexes are similar in appearance.
They do not migrate.
Chickadee make a call that is their name. Chick-a-dee-dee-dee (the more dee-dee-dee's at the end indicate the level of threat to the bird)
Link for more information: Carolina Chickadee
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