The Kids Birding Club is focused on providing fun & educational ways to get kids excited about BIRDS.
The Kids Birding Club is an at home program that teaches kids a new bird each month and challenges kids to get outside to Look, Listen and Learn about BIRDS!
(This is a 12 month program)
Recommend for ages 6-12 years old.
A Welcome Kit will be delivered the first month with the following items:
1) A Youth Hat with velcro panel to wear the Bird Patches & Bird Badges!
2) A Holy City Birding Logo Patch
3) First Bird Patch
4) Featured Bird Learning Card
5) First Birding Challenge Card
Then each month a Birding Kit will be delivered to the recipient, the kit includes the following:
1) A new Bird Patch every month! (12 Bird Patches in total, new bird patches designed each month)
2) New Birding Challenge card every month! (36 Birding Challenges) *Challenges are designed for US Eastern Birds
3) Learning card about the featured bird every month! (12 Bird Learning Cards)
4) A Bird Badge Patch every other month! (6 Bird Badges in total)5) A Completion Certificate & Junior Birder Patch when the program is complete!
BONUS - Earn BIRD Achievement Stickers every month!
(No extra cost; 1 per month, 1 achievement per member)
There are 5 Kids Birding Club package options:
1) CAROLINA CHICKADEE - Includes the 12 month Kid Birding Club
2) NORTHERN CARDINAL - Kids Birdng Club + Bird Patch Mat
(Patch Mat to display and hold all of the patches & badges)
3) PAINTED BUNTING - Kids Birding Club + Bird Patch Backpack
(Backpack has looped velcro panels to hold patches & badges)
4) BROWN PELICAN - Kids Birding Club + Vortex Bantam HD Youth Binoculars
(6.5X32, Lifetime Warranty, ages 5+)
5) BALD EAGLE - Kids Birding Club + Vortex Bantam HD Youth Binoculars + Bird Patch Mat + Bird Patch Backpack + Kid's Guide to the Birds of the Carolinas Guide Book
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SKU: KidsBC12
Hat Color
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